Friday, September 4, 2015

Review built Redang Island Resorts

Review built Redang Island Resorts
Day2-20/5/2014 year-Pulau Redang 3 days 2 night 
热浪岛位于马来西亚登嘉楼东北部海岸,是马来西亚公认最美丽的岛屿之一,也是著名旅游胜地。热浪岛内建有多座渡假村,以供游人住宿。2000年著名电影[夏日的么么茶]曾在此岛取景拍摄。 热浪岛位于马来西亚丁加奴州海岸外45公里处,离西马不远。

Redang Island in Malaysia Terengganu's northeast coast, is Malaysia recognized as one of the most beautiful islands and famous tourist attractions.
Heat wave has built several resorts on the island, accommodations for visitors. On the year of 2000 Famous film [Summer Tea] was shot on this island. Redang Island in Malaysia 45 kilometers off the coast of Terengganu State, not far from the West.

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