Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Recalling China Zhejiang Province, "Emperor Qin Palace Resort"

Recalling China Zhejiang Province, "Emperor Qin Palace Resort"
Day5-17 / 3 / 2015 - Shanghai 8 days and 7 nights tour



Hengdian World Studios Emperor Qin Palace Resort is 1997 historical epic shoot the famous director Chen Kaige "荆柯刺秦王" built. It covers an area of 800 acres and a building area of 110,000 square meters.

有雄伟壮观的王宫宝殿27座,主宫“四海归一殿” 高达44.8米,面积17169平方米。长2289米,高18米的巍巍城墙与王宫大殿交相辉映,淋漓尽致地表现出秦始皇并吞六国,一统天下的磅礴气势。

There are magnificent palace palace 27, the main house of the "four returnees a house of" up to 44.8 meters, an area of 17,169 square meters. 2289 m long, 18 m high walls and towering palace hall pavilions, vividly manifested Terracotta annexation six countries, dominate the world of majestic momentum.

还有一条长 120米,占地面积20亩,建筑面积6000平方米的“秦汉街”,充分展示了秦汉时期的街肆风貌。黄尘古道,金戈铁马,燕赵建筑,秦汉文化,在秦王宫得以真实再现。也是著名电影《英雄》、《功夫之王》等大片的诞生地。

There is a long 120 meters, covers an area of 20 acres and a building area of 6,000 square meters of "Qin and Han Street", fully demonstrated the Qin and Han Dynasty style street store. Yellow dust trail, armored cavalry, Hebei construction, the Qin and Han culture, to be a true representation of the Emperor Qin Palace. It is also famous for the film "Hero", "Kung Fu King" and other large birthplace.

Chen Kaige team then spent four years of effort the designers have devised an ambitious blueprint Emperor Qin Palace, while the Emperor Qin Palace Resort built in imitation of the prototype is the main palace of Qin Dynasty - Xianyang Gong.

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