Monday, August 17, 2015

Reviews hiking at (Gunung Kinabalu)

回顾沙巴神山(Gunung Kinabalu)
Reviews Mt.Kinabalu in Sabah (Gunung Kinabalu)
 沙巴神山(马来语-Gunung Kinabalu),(英语-Mount Kinabalu〉又称中国寡妇山、京那巴鲁山,位于马来西亚婆罗洲----沙巴的京那巴鲁国家公园(Kinabalu National Park)是东南亚第一高峰,海拔4095.2米 (13435.7尺)。

Mt.Kinabalu in Sabah (Malay -Gunung Kinabalu), (English -Mount Kinabalu, also known as Chinese widow mountain, Mount Kinabalu, Sabah Borneo in Malaysia (Kinabalu National Park) is Southeast Asia's highest peak, elevation 4095.2 meters (13,435.7 ft).

Kamiyama form about 1000-1500 years. Kinabalu National Park is known not only because of the mountain, but also to dense forests, precious natural resources and the environment and the world famous (in 2000 as a World Heritage Site),

这裡可以说是世界上最古老的植物园,其中有超过1200种的野胡姬、40餘种橡木、漫山遍野的野杜鹃、野兰花,以及世界上最大的花朵莱福士花,Here we can say is the world's oldest botanical garden, which has more than 1200 kinds of wild Orchid, more than 40 species of oak, mountains and plains of wild azaleas, wild orchids, as well as the world's largest flower Duolaifushi flowers,
In this more a glimpse of the magic of "pitcher."

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