Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Recalling Shanghai China "Yuyuan"

Recalling Shanghai China "Yuyuan"
Day7-19 / 3 / 2015 - Shanghai 8 days and 7 nights tour



Shanghai refers to the Temple old Temple in Huangpu District, tourist attractions are called "Yuyuan", the former Shanghai County Temple, which is a famous classical gardens south of the Yangtze, the national key cultural relics protection units.
  Yuyuan Garden is located in Huangpu District, Shanghai, China, the former Shanghai Old City Northeast, north Fuyou Road, east of Anren Street, southwest of Temple, Yuyuan, classical gardens built in the Ming dynasty period.

Yuyuan Garden was built in 1559, it was originally a private garden Pan Yunduan governor of Sichuan, and he built this garden's purpose is to "Laoqin pleasure" and "Discovery" and "Yu" means the same, hence the name the Yuyuan Garden. Thereafter, the Yuyuan removed in many hands and withstand the ravages of war several times.

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