Sunday, September 20, 2015

Recalling China Wuxi Lingshan "Mountain Vatican Palace"

Recalling China Wuxi Lingshan"Mountain Vatican Palace"
Day2-14 / 3 / 2015 - Shanghai 8 days and 7 nights tour 

灵山梵宫是无锡灵山胜境中的景点之一,坐落于烟波浩淼的无锡太湖之滨,钟灵毓秀的灵山脚下,气势恢宏的建筑与宝相庄严的灵山大佛比邻而立,瑰丽璀璨的艺术和独特深厚的佛教文化交相辉映。灵山梵宫建筑气势磅礴,宏伟,布局庄严和谐, 总建筑面积达7万余平方米,高三层的梵宫采用退台式建筑布局,以南北为轴线,东西呈对称分布,建筑面宽150米,进深180米,顶部为错落有致的五座华塔,后侧为曼陀罗形态的圣坛。造价18个亿。
Mountain Palace is one of the attractions of Wuxi lingshan scenic spot, is located in the vastness of the Wuxi Taihu Lake, elegant and at the foot of lingshan, magnificent architecture and precious sacred mountain giant Buddha near, magnificent and splendid art of deep Buddhist culture and unique beauty. Mountain Palace built magnificent, majestic, solemn harmony layout with total floor area of more than 70,000 square meters, three-storey Palace with return table layout, with the North-South axis, symmetrically, the building frontage 150 m, depth of 180 metres, scattered five towers at the top, mandala form at the back of the altar. Cost of 1.8 billion.

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