Sunday, August 23, 2015

Review Seoul Gyeongbok Palace

Review Seoul Gyeongbok Palace

汉城景福宫是李朝(1392-1910年)时期首尔的五大宫之一,也是李氏王朝的正宫,具有500年历史。景福宫是李朝的始祖——太祖李成桂(1392- 1398年在位)于1395年将原来高丽的首都迁移时建造的新王朝的宫殿,位于首尔北部,因此也叫“北阙”。景福宫占地面积达15万坪(约合50公顷),呈正方形,南面是正门光化门,东面是建春门,西面是迎秋门,北面是神武门。宫内有勤政殿、交泰殿、慈庆殿、庆会楼、香远亭等。景福宫的正殿勤政殿是举行正式仪式以及接受百官朝会的地方。

Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul is the Yi dynasty (1392-1910), one of the five big palaces in Seoul during and Empress of the Lee dynasty, 500 years of history. Gyeongbok Palace is the ancestor of Yi dynasty--the founder of Li Chenggui (1392-1398) in 1395, migrate the original capital of the Koryo dynasty built a new Palace located in Northern Seoul, hence it also called "North que". Gyeongbok Palace covers an area of 150,000 square meters (about 50 acres), square in shape, Gwanghwamun was the main entrance to the South, was built on the East side of spring, West, autumn gate, North Gate. Diligent in the Palace Temple of Thai Temple, Tzu Chi hing House, Hing Building, incense, such as far booth. Diligent Hall Hall of gyeongbok Palace is the official ceremonies and accepting officials a solemn place.

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