Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Recalling China Wuzhen "Xishan Scenic"

Recalling China Wuzhen "Xishan Scenic"
Day3-15 / 3 / 2015- Shanghai 8 days and 7 nights tour

西栅由12座小岛组成,70多座小桥将其串连在一起,江南水乡之美尽在其中。 这里的夜景最受欢迎,不妨坐上小船体会一下蓝色幕布下的流光溢彩。 在西栅既能感受古色古香的水乡韵味,又能安享现代生活的舒适与便利.

Xishan by the 12 islands, more than 70 bridges to be strung together, Jiangnan  fishing village  beauty of all in one. Here's the most popular night, you might get on a boat to experience the bright colors under blue curtain. In both feel the quaint fishing village Xishan charm, but also to enjoy the comfort and convenience of modern life.

这里住宿条件发达,从高档会所到临水客栈到青年旅舍应有尽有。 民宿由景区统一管理,住的房子是当地人的民宅,很有特色。

Accommodation developed here, from upscale clubs to Waterside Inn to Hostels everything. Bed and Breakfast unified management by the area, the house is a local houses, very unique.

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