Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Visited Sekinchan People Milling Museum

Sekinchan People Milling Museum
31/5/2015-sekinchan (Sekinchan) day trip
适耕庄人民碾米厂有限公司(PLS Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd)里面一个展览馆,经过专业人员的口述和影片介绍,就会让大家了解到插秧以及种植稻米的过程.

Sekinchan people mill Ltd (PLS Marketing (m) Sdn Bhd) inside an exhibition hall,
after professional oral and video presentation, you will get into the process of transplanting and planting rice.

展览馆入门票价格为每人5令吉,游客买了票将获碾米厂赠送一包280克的真空精美包装米。PLS Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd全马唯一种植台湾珍珠米。珍珠米口感软糯,适合做寿司、粽子等。因产量不多,只供应适耕庄,很多游客来参观后都购买不到珍珠米。

Exhibition ticket price for 5 ringgit per person, visitors bought tickets will receive a gift of a bag of the rice mill 280 grams of vacuum packaging.
PLS Marketing (m) Sdn Bhd Only growing a little of Taiwan Pearl rice. Pearl rice taste soft, suitable for sushi, dumplings, etc. Because small production, only to supply Sekinchan, when a lot of tourists come to visit not enough Pearl rice for purchase.

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