Sunday, September 13, 2015

Review A Famosa of Malacca (法摩沙堡)

回顾马六甲法摩沙堡(A Famosa)
Review A Famosa of Malacca (法摩沙堡)
29/7/2014-Malacca 2 days 1 night 
法摩沙堡(葡萄牙語:A Famosa),原是葡萄牙人于马六甲建立的一座堡垒,后被英国人炸毁,如今只剩下一道城门,称圣地亚哥城门(葡萄牙語:Porta de Santiago),成为马六甲的象征.

Famosa Fort (Portuguese: A Famosa), originally a fortress by the Portuguese in Malacca established after the British bombed, and today only a gate, said San Diego city gates (Portuguese: Porta de Santiago) , became a symbol of Malacca.


San Diego is one of the gates leading to the A Famosa four channels, because the fort is now only the gates, the gate's name was misused term "San Diego" to refer to the A Famosa.

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