Recalling the Seoul Namsan

Seoul Namsan 265 meters above sea level, although the mountain is not high, but finish in the city centre, Peak overlooking the week , beautiful port views, is that the public likes open access. Nanshan hill.BA Jiao Ting, Han towers, marine Aquaria, Botanical Garden and the mountain halfway up Libraries, and so on. Tuk ride up the mountain, walking or open car up the Hill.

Nan shan Military importance since ancient times, fully furnished apartments in the Peak still can see the beacon platform. Peak overlooking the city of Han is the octagonal pavilion on the place to 479.7 meters high tower view Han Han City city views. Tower spin up in threes, dining hall, can dine bian bian Hin Han city views. Here at night you can see
Nan shan Military importance since ancient times, fully furnished apartments in the Peak still can see the beacon platform. Peak overlooking the city of Han is the octagonal pavilion on the place to 479.7 meters high tower view Han Han City city views. Tower spin up in threes, dining hall, can dine bian bian Hin Han city views. Here at night you can see
the whole individual Han City at night.
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