Friday, August 21, 2015

Review of Japan Nara Todaiji Temple

Review of Japan Nara Todaiji Temple
In year 1989 Japan 9 State Tourism 
东大寺,位于日本奈良县奈良市杂司町,是华严宗大本山,南都七大寺之一,距今约有一千二百余年的历史。1998年作为“古都奈良的文化财”的一部分被列为世界文化遗产。 佛寺是728年由信奉佛教的圣武天皇建立的。东大寺是全国68所国分寺的总寺院。因为建在首都平城京以东,所以被称作东大寺。另外有西大寺。

Todaiji Temple, located in Japan in Nara Prefecture NARA-Cho of the miscellaneous Division, Yen Tsung-Shan is China, South is one of the seven temples, dating back about more than 1200 years of history. In 1998, as "NARA's cultural wealth" part of being listed as a world cultural heritage. Temple is 728 years established by the Buddhist Emperor Shomu. Todaiji Temple is the national total 68 Kokubunji Temple. Built in the East of the capital of Heijō-Kyō, so called Todai-ji. Nishioji.

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