Sunday, September 20, 2015

Recalling China Wuxi, "Ling Shan Buddha"

Recalling China Wuxi, "Ling Shan Buddha"
Day2-14 / 3 / 2015 - Shanghai 8 days and 7 nights tour 

World's tallest outdoor bronze Buddha statue, Ling Shan Buddha Sichuan Leshan giant Buddha is even higher than 17 meters, from 1560 bronze wall plate Assembly welded together, reached more than 700 tons of the total copper, total plate area could reach more than 9,000 square meters, welding them weld has a total length of 35 km. In the process of construction of the Buddha, using modern high technology, such as advanced measures such as wind, earthquake, lightning, where lightning is cleverly hidden in the hair of the Buddha.


Due to the use of special copper siding and advanced welding techniques, the Buddha's appearance reached "seamless" level. The Buddha finger, known as the "fearlessness printing", it is the Buddha sentient beings to remove pain; fingers of the left hand, known as the "printing", that is safe and happy in God.

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