Gunung Lang Amusement Park (Taman Rekreasi Gunung Lang)
5/ 7 / 2015- Gunung Lang Amusement Park - Ipoh day tour
崑崙浪休閒公園坐落于怡保江沙路龍頭岩,為怡保另一個新的旅遊景點,享有小桂林之稱,有山有水,有林又有湖,熱帶雨林中的休閒公園,佔地70英畝,根據旅遊局的資料,這裡以前是廢棄的礦湖,它在2000年10月開放,其中14.16公頃包括湖,四處都被群山包圍,優美環境。Gunung Lang leisure park is located in Jalan Damai, Ipoh, Perak, another new tourist attractions known as famous of Little Guilin in china, there are mountains and water, there is another lake forest, rainforest leisure park, covering 70 acres. according to information Tourism Bureau, where previously abandoned mine lake, it is open in October 2000, of which 14.16 hectares including the lake are surrounded by mountains and beautiful environment.
崑崙浪 (Gunung Lang)最吸引人的就是有个80米高的人造瀑布,从山顶直奔而下,游客可在瀑布旁悠闲地坐下来听着流水声、乘着凉风,远望波浪形的群山,不过人造瀑布只有在星期六和星期日“流下来”!。坐遊艇过了湖的另一边后,擁有各類花草樹木外,湖中有四腳蛇,可以見到許多錦鯉在湖裡游來游去,小島上有蜥蜴,馬來傳統的高腳屋、園庭、羊腸小徑、木橋、兒童遊樂場、瞭望台,自然美景環境都保持原狀。来回船票是RM3.00,小孩和五十五歲年老都是半價RM1.50。
Gunung Lang the most attractive is to have a 80-meter-high artificial waterfall, straight down from the top, visitors can sit back and listen to the sound of water, riding the breeze next to the waterfall, wavy afar mountains, but artificial-made waterfall only on Saturday and Sunday "flow down"! . After the boat ride over to the other side of the lake, with all kinds of flowers and trees, the lake has lizard, you can see many cat fish and Koi swim in the lake, there are lizards on the island, Malay traditional long legs houses, garden court, small trail, boardwalk, children's Playground, lookout, natural beauty environment intact. Round-trip ticket is RM3.00, children and retired age are half price RM1.50.