Friday, August 21, 2015

Review of Japan Osaka Castle Park

Review of Japan Osaka Castle Park
In year 1989 Japan 9 State Tourism 

大阪城,位于日本大阪市中央区的大阪城公园内,为大阪名胜之一,和名古屋城、熊本城并列日本历史上的三名城,别名“金城”或“锦城”。 在桃山时代是丰臣秀吉的居城。后来德川家康以两次大坂之役消灭了丰臣家,此后大坂城成为德川幕府控制西日本大名的重要据点。

Osaka Castle, located in Japan, within the central area of Osaka Castle Park, Osaka, Osaka, one of the sights, tied with Nagoya City, Kumamoto Castle Japan history the three cities, alias "Golden City" or "glorious". In the Momoyama era is the home town of Hideyoshi. Later, Tokugawa Ieyasu to Osaka twice battle to eliminate the Toyotomi family, West of Osaka city became the Tokugawa shogunate Japan name stronghold.

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