马来西亚国家英雄纪念碑 The Malaysian national Hero
Monument https://www.facebook.com/michaelwin377/videos 马来西亚国家英雄纪念碑位于湖滨公园对面,建造于1966年,是为纪念为国牺牲的烈士而建的。这座七勇士青铜塑像高15.54米,是世界上最大的单体雕塑作品之一,由美国著名雕塑家威尔顿设计,在意大利铸造。国家纪念碑是一座大型的青铜像。建造铜像的目的,是为了纪念在1950年献身保卫国家对抗***暴动的英勇烈士。这座高约15.54米的纪念碑,雕塑了7位军人的塑像,象征着7种领导人的素质。
The Malaysian national Hero
Monument, located opposite the Lakeside Park, was built in 1966 to
commemorate the martyrs who sacrificed for the country. The
seven-warrior bronze statue, 15.54 meters high, is one of the largest
single sculptures in the world, designed by the famous American
sculptor, Wilton, and cast in Italy. The national Monument is a large
green statue. The bronze statue was built to commemorate the heroic
martyrs who dedicated their lives to defending the country against the
riot in 1950. The monument, which is about 15.54 meters high, is a
statue of 7 soldiers, symbolizing the qualities of the 7 leaders.